The Moto X is a smartphone that was released in 2013 by Motorola. It has an AMOLED display with a resolution of 1080p and is available in 16GB, 32GB, or 64GB variants.
The moto z3 black screen is a common issue that many users have experienced. This article will show you how to fix the issue on your own.
The Motorola Moto X’s screen may go dark at times. This problem may arise in a variety of circumstances. It usually happens after the Motorola Moto X has fallen. After a start, lock, or sleep, the screen may remain dark. Whatever the situation may be, don’t worry; you’ll learn how to fix your Motorola Moto X’s black screen using a variety of methods. Before trying the various options, it will most likely be necessary to evaluate many things. When the screen of the Motorola Moto X stays dark, we’ll first figure out what to look for. We’ll go through all of the techniques again to figure out how to get beyond this unappealing black screen.
When you have a blank screen on your Motorola Moto X, what should you do?
Before you start using the methods, have a look at the points below to get a better idea of where the problems may arise. This will provide you with valuable information on the nature of the problem.
When the screen is black, is the Motorola Moto X LED on?
The tiny led on top of your screen is one of the first things to look at. When the LED is red or blue and the Motorola Moto X screen is dark, it means that the phone has been turned on. In such situations, the problem is very certainly caused by the screen.
Is the Motorola Moto X ready to use?
A severe battery depletion sometimes stops the Motorola Moto X from turning on for an extended period of time. Leave the Motorola Moto X connected for at least one hour to ensure that it is fully charged. If the LED does not illuminate after this and the screen stays black, the problem is most likely caused by the battery.
Is the Motorola Moto X in any way harmed?
The screen of the Motorola Moto X may be damaged if it stays dark after being shocked, falling, becoming wet, or being damaged. None of the suggestions below will help you in this situation. After that, you’ll need to take your Motorola Moto X to a repair shop.
What should you do if the screen on your Motorola Moto X stays black?

After confirming that the issue is caused by the screen, you may attempt the following methods to unlock your Motorola Moto X’s black screen. If one technique does not work, go on to the next.
Connect the Motorola Moto X to the charge
When the screen on your Motorola Moto X stays dark, one thing you may do is turn it on. This will allow for the smooth execution of all subsequent modifications. This also addresses the issue of a phone battery that has been deeply discharged.
Remove the battery from the Motorola Moto X if feasible
If the Motorola Moto X battery is readily detachable, we suggest that you do so. This may occasionally fix the black screen issue. Wait a few seconds, then switch the battery back on and try to start the phone again. Check out the following step if the screen is still obstructed.
Remove the SIM and SD cards
It is not uncommon for the SIM card or SD card to clash with the Motorola Moto X, resulting in a blank screen. Taking out the SIM and SD cards is one of the ideas to try. When it’s finished, you should attempt to turn on the phone. If it works, there is a problem with the SIM card or SD card.
Restart the Motorola Moto X if you want it to
If the screen stays dark, a hard reboot usually fixes the problem. You’ll need to hit multiple keys at the same time to do this. For the forced reboot to work, you must stay for at least TEN seconds. Depending on the model, the key combination required to be one of the following:
- power button + low volume
- Cough Home + low volume + power button
- power button + high volume
- Home + top volume + touch power + cough
- Home + touch power + cough
Hold on until the battery is completely depleted
Finally, if none of the other options work, you may try letting your battery drain. Make sure the battery is completely depleted. After you’ve completed it, connect your Motorola Moto X into its power adapter and attempt to turn it on.
The my moto x4 is not charging is a problem that has been present for a while. There are many fixes to fix the issue, but the simplest solution is to reset your device.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is my Moto X play not turning on?
The battery may be drained or the phone may have died.
How do I hard reset my Moto X?
To hard reset your Moto X, you will need to hold down the power button and volume up button at the same time for 10 seconds.
How do I fix a black screen on my Moto G?
There are a few things that could be causing this. It is possible that you have a hardware issue, and the only fix would be to replace your phone. If you have an update available, it may help with your problem.